Have you ever learned English online? Have no fear, Xpertly is here to help you navigate through this uncharted territory.

Tip #1 How do I prepare for my first lesson?
Find a quiet workspace free of distractions in your home.
Be on time. (After 10 minutes the class will be considered as a NO SHOW)
Have a pencil, and blank paper near by ready to go!
Tip #2 What applications do I need?
Tip #3 How can I have the best connection?
For the best quality, you must use a laptop or computer. Cellphones are not compatible.
When next to your computer, turn your cell phone off.
If your signal is weak, try moving closer to your router.
Make sure to close all the applications that you aren't using.
Complete any software updates to your computer or laptop.
Tip #4 How do I submit my homework?
Holding up your homework to the screen is not adequate.
All homework must be submitted using Goggle Docs. When submitting your homework, make sure you have written your name, date, and class level at the top of the page.
Click here to watch a tutorial, if you need help submitting your homework.
Tip #5 What are the online classroom rules?
We are here to practice English; please refrain from speaking in your native language
Participate! A shared learning environment is only effective if everyone involved actually shares.
Use proper writing style. Correct spelling, grammar, and style are expected in all scholarship and academic writing.
Participation, completing assignments, and being on time will contribute for you passing to the next level!